Wednesday, August 24, 2011

change of what? chothes??? and what was that little isalnd?

So I'm sitting on the sandy shores of a beautiful beach at a provincial park in Parksville BC on an amazing island shoreline
I'm sitting on a blanket, have my best buddy dog Bailey with me, a book a bottle of crisp clean water and a blanket. The day is perfect, really clear, blue skies and warm temperatures. I look across the water and i see another island and i think to myself.. "man it looks beautiful over there, oh i wish i was there, look at the trees and the shore and the skies". then i kinda had an out of body moment you know when you hear what you have actually said... it dawns on me that someone, even myself... could be sitting on that shore over there and saying the exact same thing about what they were seeing on the beach i was sitting on. This really brought home the principal of appreciating what you have to me. Why do things always look better just over yonder... just over there.. if only i had your.... or your.... or if only i was... or ..... I am intentionally trying to appreciate what i have, where i am and what i am able to do... perspective is everything. we all have "stuff" to deal with.. it's called life... and some of it is pretty serious!  but how we deal with it, how we perceive it... how we cope and how we progress... that is what makes or breaks us and determines our happiness and peace of mind... as the saying goes "it's not about having what you want, it's about wanting what you have". Now i am not advocating a life of tolerance or unhappiness, of settling and not striving for your best and what you deserve as a human being with dignity and rights... but i am saying appreciate what you (I) have... live in the moment and enjoy what is around you. if you don't or can't then evaluate what changes need to be made. Is it a change of address? job? partner? friend? clothes? or just attitude and perspective? (clothes are so much easier to change!)
you know, i never did figure out what that little island was. i just decided to enjoy exactly where i was and what i was doing.

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