Thursday, August 11, 2011

pep talk from my 65 year-old self

Remember back when you were 45 and you had lost what you thought was enough weight. you were eating clean most of the time but there was room for improvement. you were doing what was just enough exercise to maintain your 60 lb loss but not enough to lose any more. and you were struggling with the decision to either settle and stay at that level of fitness, which you may recall wasn't really that much compared to what you were truly capable off. Well you should be proud you pushed yourself further and didn't take the easy way out as the mobility, flexibility, health, pride, confidence and joy you gained was worth every pain and every drop of sweat and every ounce of determination you could muster up. Thank you for thinking of me before you even knew me. I am proud to know you and so appreciate being able to enjoy this years, living life to the fullest! I will do the same for my 75 year old self too.

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